On a recent episode of Seth Godin’s Podcast ‘Akimbo’, Seth talked about being an impostor and used the word “unauthorized” talk about how we no longer need permission to share our talents with the world. Although he often talks about the changing technological and social landscape in this way, I was particularly moved by his use of this word.
I grew up in the world of gatekeepers and authorities. Learning was within the realm of educational institutions. Books, music, and video were controlled by publishing companies. It was practically impossible to express yourself without going through one or more of these companies after first gaining their authorization.
But now, in all these ways as well as many new ways (including social media), it is trivially easy to express yourself and share your creations with the world. These Gatekeepers still provide a role, but their role is relevant in a shrinking percentage of the growing ways that we can publish our own creations.
Self Imposed Limits
Having grown up in the world of gatekeepers, I naturally internalized this idea that I needed permission in order to share my creations with the world. It became a subconscious but powerful force that I applied on my own, despite all the evidence that it was no longer relevant.
When I heard Seth use the word “unauthorized”, it finally clicked in my mind that I had become my own gatekeeper, and I was determined to let go of this self-limiting idea.
I greatly appreciate irony, and the irony of the word “unauthorized” has taken a symbolic meaning for me personally.
I decided to create this shirt as a reminder to myself that I give myself authority to express myself and I don’t need authority from others. It is metaphorically and literally a badge of courage. Wearing it reminds me that I no longer need to limit myself with these archaic ideas about gatekeepers.