Technical Support
I recently had a problem streaming a video from Amazon Prime on my XBOX360. Specifically, we rented a move from Amazon Prime, but when we tried to play it in the…
Finding text within files
Here is a trick that will help you find text within a file, when you don't know what file contains that text. It uses the unix 'find' command, along with the…
PKI: Using openssl to get certificate info
If you want to get the certificate information from a remote server that is using SSL (e.g. HTTPS, LDAPS, etc.), then the following unix* command will tell you about what that…
perl: safe() strings for concatenation
At some point, if you use perl enough, you'll encounter the following error message: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./ line #. While it does not…
perl: trim()
A trim() function should be native to perl, but since it isn't, this will have to do. sub trim { my @vals=@_; for (@vals) { s/^s+//; s/s+$//; } return wantarray ?…
Using a Voltmeter to diagnose Ford Vehicles
Overview This document contains general procedures and techniques for using a voltmeter to diagnose Ford electronic components. It contains specific procedures for testing the Throttle Position (TP) sensor, Mass Air Flow…